Sunday, March 11, 2012

Malibu on March 11, 2012

Here are a few pics that I shot on Sunday afternoon on March 11.  The hour was terrific.  By that I mean that I could not have gotten any better light.  I'd never seen so many people with cameras.  There was one guy in a cowboy hat and blue jeans and boots taking a picture with his phone of the "Malibu" sign with "City Limits" and the population of 13,000 underneath that.


One guy who had one camera in his left hand, another hanging from the strap that was around his neck, passed by me looking seaward and did not make eye contact with me.  That's okay, but I think that the guy was pretending to be a snob, pretending to be so professionally engrossed with the task in front of him, whatever that was, that he could not or would not acknowledge a fellow amateur.  People every where had cameras.  One young guy was walking with his girlfriend / model on the pier.  He was taking pictures of the surfers out where the waves were breaking intermittently.  The surfers mainly sat in black on their cream-colored boards over gentle, undulating swells.

The Adamson House on the beach side of PCH.

I lucked out on this photo.  The sunlight made this tiny park pop in colors.

This photo turned out better than I thought.

I thought that the colors and pattern on this planter were terrific.

A trail canopied by palm trees.

I liked the contrast in colors.

I took this shot because the trees and lawn framed the boat out on the ocean perfectly.

Yeah!  Wave cresting, breaking!  Caught this perfectly.  Come on!  Gotta give me props for this one.

The Malibu Pier.  I could have sworn I saw that P.I. James Rockford walking here.


  1. Nice shots Mike, I'll have to check out the Adamson House...looks lovely and love those Malibu tiles!

  2. These were wonderful scenes, thanks for sharing!
